
It’s a good thing the brothers got their beauty rest yesterday afternoon. Following a brisk morning that quickly tuned to extreme heat, they covered 74 miles while ascending over 9,000 feet in elevation, crossing from France into Italy. Two iconic climbs defined this expedition: Col d’Izoard and Col d’Agnel.

The Col d’Izoard is a historic pass that was 12 miles with 3,500 ft of climbing and a stunning backdrop of Pic de Beaudouis. The Col d’Agnel followed, covering 13.9 miles with 4,600 ft of climbing, ending with a fast-paced pull to the finish line. Both climbs have been on Barrett’s bucket and did not disappoint with challenging climbs and breathtaking views of both France and Italy.

Powell, Kellim and Barrett had an extra 15-mile post-race ride into Cuneo, Italy to stay for the night. Another successful day with efforts that transcended borders. They are very excited to take on their last day of this beautiful challenge tomorrow!

Read below to learn more about tomorrow’s stage, as described on

Stage 7: Cuneo-Nice: 144 km (2800 m Elevation)

© Haute Route

If you make it to the start line for Stage 7, well done: you’re a machine.

Thought the route designers would make this one any easier? Dream on – it’s another big day in the saddle, traversing four epic cols.

Up first is the Col de Tende, well-known for the numerous switchbacks above the Tende tunnel. By this point, every mountain col is going to feel tough. Nevertheless, the Col de Tende is 14.1 km long with an average gradient of 6.4%.

As you head back into France, you will be greeted by the Col de Brouis; at just 8.5 km long and an average gradient of 6.6%, this will be one of the easiest ascents you’ve done, at least on paper. The climb is relatively steady until the last 1 km, which offers a tasty 9% gradient.

Before you know it, you’ll be climbing the Col de Braus, you may be bonking, or you may be sensing that the end is near. Let’s hope it’s the second, in which case you’ll breeze through the 11.2 km.

One more to go! All those hours of training and focus have got you here, and there’s just one more climb in the form of the Col de Nice between you and the finish line.

A week of insane altitude gain and agonizing efforts. A ride like this will strip you back emotionally and physically. Savour the shouts of “Allez, allez!” as you cross the finish line. You’ve earnt it.

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